Writing the NIH Grant Proposal: A Step-by-Step Guide, Third Edition

Resource Details:

Author: W. Gerin, C. Kapelewski Kinkade & N.L. Page
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Year: 2017
Description: Writing the NIH Grant Proposal, Third Edition offers hands-on advice that simplifies, demystifies, and takes the fear out of writing a federal grant application. Acting as a virtual mentor, this book provides systematic guidance for every step of the NIH application process, including the administrative details, developing and managing collaborative relationships, budgeting, and building a research team. Helpful hints along the way provide tips from researchers who have received grants themselves and coverage of the updated electronic NIH process and new scoring system is included. View a preview of Chapter 5, WRITING THE APPLICATION, PART I: Scientific Content and Writing Strategies here: https://us.sagepub.com/sites/default/files/upm-assets/86188_book_item_86188.pdf
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